Thursday, July 1, 2010

Reimbursement of Medical claims in respect of service Officers/Personnel and their families for treatment in Civil Hospitals

No. AT/IV/4807/XVIII
Office of the C.G.D.A
Ulan Batar Road, Palam
Delhi Cantt – 10
Dated 18 Jun 2010


Sub: Reimbursement of Medical claims in respect of service Officers/Personnel and their families for treatment in Civil Hospitals.

Repeated references are received in HQrs office from Controllers as to the office which has to deal with the medical claims on account of treatment taken as indoor and OPD patients inspite of HQrs circular of even no dated 28-12-98 and subsequent clarifications issued on the subject. It is therefore once again clarified that medical claims of Service personnel and their families will be dealt as per the table appended below.


Nature of Medical claims




Medical claims in respect of treatment taken as Indoor patient

Such claims are to be dealt with by Regional Controllers/PCDA (AF)/PCDA (Navy) under whose audit jurisdiction the service Hospitals nearest to The Civil Hospitals are situated.

Rule 55 FR Pt II


Medical claims in respect of treatment taken as OPD patient

Such claims are to be processed by the respective CDA (O) / PCDA (Navy) / PCDA (AF) / PAOs of the concerned service personnel

Para 248 OM Pt-IX, Para 318-327 OM Pt VII,
Items 18 & 27 of Annexure A to Chap VII of OM Pt III, and Chap 68 of OM Pt X


Medical claims in respect of Clinical / Pathological test

If they are part of Indoor treatment the claims will be processed as per Sl. No.1 above otherwise claims on account of OPD treatment will be processed as per Sl no. 2 above

As above

Sr. Dy. CGDA (AT)